He travelled the length and breadth of Tamil Nadu, beginning from Vayalur. Having got a new direction, Arunagirinathar set out on his holy mission.
#Muthai tharu pathi thirupugal full
Songs flowed like a perennial river in full spate. Within minutes he realised, he had been transformed into a new person and composed his first song: “Muthai tharu pathi thiru nagai… ” The poet never stumbled. Go and compose songs studded with pearls (muthu) of devotion and wisdom.” Arunagirinathar felt he heard the divine command of Lord Muruga conveyed through this person. `Thiruppugazh’, as your songs will be known, will be the Mantra to save the lives of many more. “How can you end your life so abruptly when you have been assigned an important work of God,” the saviour said. Suddenly, out of nowhere, someone appeared and rescued him. Having realised his mistake, he decided to end his life by falling from the temple tower of Tiruvannamalai. One version says that,driven by an urge for carnal pleasures, he led a life of sin. He was highly proficient in Tamil and Sanskrit. He lost his parents at an early age and was brought up by his sister. Very little documentary evidence is available about his early life and whatever details known were collected from hearsay. Born in the holy town of Tiruvannamalai, around the 15th century, he derived his name from Sri Arunachaleswarar. The person fortunate enough to have got the divine blessing to compose the hymns was Arunagirinathar. We believed, when we prayed through Thiruppagazh, Lord Muruga readily answered because it was the Lord Himself who helped the author in composing it. Even while remaining in Kerala, we were fortunate enough to get introduced to Thiruppugazh form of worship, thanks to our Guruji, Sri Mani Iyer, who visited us whenever he came to Palani. But we believed it was our faith on Lord Muruga reinforced by our faith on Thiruppugazh that performed this miracle. Your neighbour guided me to this temple and here I am.” May be it was a coincidence.

As I came here to take Janaki to Madras, I found the house locked. Later, we flooded him with questions and he said: “I was looking for a job, and for various reasons, could not come or write. We could not believe our eyes! There, at a corner, was sitting the very person whose homecoming was the prime object of this bhajan. As our eyes wandered through the vast audience, they stopped at one place or rather at one person. The Bhajan session went on for 41 days and on the concluding day of 41st day, there was a large assembly of devotees. Though they did not know the meaning of the songs, they were attracted by an unknown power the songs carried. Gradually, more and more people joined our prayer session. Every day evening, we turned up at the temple and rendered Thiruppugazh in the way prescribed by our Guru, Sri Mani Iyer. We made a desperate appeal to Lord Muruga in the form of Thiruppugazh.

It was then we decided to conduct the Thiruppugazh bhajan at the nearby Ganesa temple at Thrissur. Our Guru, who initiated us to the Thiruppugazh form of worship,suggested that we conduct 41 days continuous Thiruppugaz bhajan. Months turned into years and my sister’s eyes were moist with tears. We never heard anything about him afterwards. Once, my brother-in-law left my sister, Janaki, at our home and left. Our devotion grows only stronger every time we feel that God is putting it to test. A family bhajan in a temple? I will begin at the beginning. All our family members, trained in Thiruppugazh, were rendering the Bhajan at the temple nearby.